Where is God?

It was one of those days when the Messenger arrived to Heaven with his bag filled with prayers of believers from Earth. The bag was full of sincere prayers, sometimes hasty, sometimes just litanies of requests without a moment of reflexion – some of them, though, very urgent. Panting Messenger stopped a bit in front of the Heaven’s gate just to catch a breath. But the gate was opened while inside there was a big discussion between God and His angels. The Messanger – willy-nilly – heard it and then he told me everything.

God was walking around Heaven and thinking about where to hide Himself. He was sayint that the people on Earth sometimes consider Him as a bearded old man, not very efficient. He’s not like that so decided to joke with them a bit. He wanted… to hide Himself. “May them search for me!” was He saying.

‘Hide yourself in the Ocean!’ said one of the angels. ‘They have more water than land on Earth right? Furthermore, they don’t drink the one from the Ocean. No one will find you, God!’

‘No!’ cried other angel. ‘Why would God have to hide Himself in the depths? His Majesty is closer to mountains. God, hide Yourself in mountains! Just few people get there!’

‘What a stupid idea!’ said another one. ‘Don’t people actually climb the mountains? And they can control the area from planes also! God, hide Yourself in the forest, hide yourself in jungle! It’s full of wild creatures, it would be a big challenge for them to get to you!’

God was listening to them with the patience of a saint. He turned towards an angel which was too modest to try to talks. He was actually afraid of talking. God was a bit annoyed that often the modest ones don’t want to open their mounth to talk so he forced him.

‘God… maybe… go and hide Yourself in people’s hearts?’




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