God loves simplicity

To be honest, I don’t know how to start, because I have bunches of thoughts in my head and it’s hard to catch them. I would love it not to be chaotic – but maybe it’s impossible – and in the same time I chose the simplicity for the topic of my post. This is already complicated, isn’t it?

So maybe I will start with telling that I didn’t suppose that writing about Bethlehem will become so important to me. In fact there are two BethlehemThe geographic one and the one in our hearts. And you know? Sometimes both of them are full of fire or tears (the geographic one in tear gas I mean). I still don’t know how can I deal with that because writing about tho so complex issues like birth of God on human’s heart and political occupation which is a part of daily life in geographic Bethlehem – that’s a challenge.

Also because talkin out loud about Palestine is controvertial and it can even have serious consequences. Until now I was avoiding this question – but it seemed like my blog is flat and doesn’t really express the reality. And the reality is that the life in Bethlehem is hard and its inhabitants witness every day a great injustice and in their life there is nothing called freedom. That’s it. A short thought but for now that’s all I’ll say. Hoping… that maybe my testimony would add a little stone to the seeking of justice.

Just 6 days… 6 cold days until the curse and spell-bound time comes – Christmas. It sounds strange but I feel like Christmas is one of those few things which you can or love or hate. I recommend the first one.

It’s unbelievable how God loved simple things and he chose them instead of a castle and throne. A grotto. A piece of bread. Human’s heart.

Maybe the happiness is simplier than it seems to be?

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