Bethlehem is like the Moon

The Moon is so obvious. It’s known all over the world. We have so many stories about it, we have thousands of names for it and actually we don’t pay attention on it anymore.

But how is it possible, that this obvious Moon, known to everyobody is in the same time so mysterious? Why it shows to us always but one face and the other one seems to be so dark?

Well, it’s not dark actually. We just don’t see it. And we don’t know it.

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If you want peace, fight for justice

Yesterday it was the day of Prayer for Peace. Exact time. Everybody wants to start everything in the New Year from the beginning. And everyone has a bit of hope.

But it’s been some time I’m having one very unpeaceful question.

Where does this lack of peace come from?

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God loves simplicity

To be honest, I don’t know how to start, because I have bunches of thoughts in my head and it’s hard to catch them. I would love it not to be chaotic – but maybe it’s impossible – and in the same time I chose the simplicity for the topic of my post. This is already complicated, isn’t it?

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