Bethlehem is like the Moon

The Moon is so obvious. It’s known all over the world. We have so many stories about it, we have thousands of names for it and actually we don’t pay attention on it anymore.

But how is it possible, that this obvious Moon, known to everyobody is in the same time so mysterious? Why it shows to us always but one face and the other one seems to be so dark?

Well, it’s not dark actually. We just don’t see it. And we don’t know it.

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Story about three trees and… dreams

It’s been long time ago. Probably even the trees wouldn’t be able to assess exactly. They just remember that they grew up together on a hill and they spent their first years… dreaming.

When I grow up… I want to be a wonderful casket for the most expensive jewellery! – sait the first one.

– And me… I want to be a big ship so that I sail in oceans! – was planning the second one.

– Well… I would like to stay here. To give shelter to birds and an air to the people. I want to live for God’s glory! – decided the third one.

But… One day a carpenter came and cut all the trees with his sharp saw and he took them with him.

Continue reading “Story about three trees and… dreams”

Your answer

In winter it’s icy. In summer pleasantly fresh. In some countries there is plenty of it. In others they are few. Sometimes simple and with white walls (this is how I like it the most), and sometimes stuffed with columns, altars, paintings and severe faces of stagnant statues. The church. They are also some where you won’t find pews and everyone sits on the ground. It can be a symbol of calmness or art or boredom.

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A hundred years old book

Christian tradition in Bethlehem is as old as the Christianity itself – it may go without saying. But this once forgotten village, the town of King Dawid, which offered Jesus Christ just an empty grotto today has become a point of contact for thousands of traditions, customs, religions and views. Continue reading “A hundred years old book”