Story about three trees and… dreams

It’s been long time ago. Probably even the trees wouldn’t be able to assess exactly. They just remember that they grew up together on a hill and they spent their first years… dreaming.

When I grow up… I want to be a wonderful casket for the most expensive jewellery! – sait the first one.

– And me… I want to be a big ship so that I sail in oceans! – was planning the second one.

– Well… I would like to stay here. To give shelter to birds and an air to the people. I want to live for God’s glory! – decided the third one.

But… One day a carpenter came and cut all the trees with his sharp saw and he took them with him.

You can say that the story is finished. But maybe if we look from different perspective we’ll discover a hidden sense?

The first tree – the one which wanted to be a casket – was cut into boards and then nailed for a manger. The second tree indeed was sailing on water but it didn’t become a big ship but just a fishing cutter sailing every day on a lake. The third tree was cut into pieces and then thrown into a storeroom where everything was of no value. Just that? – thought the trees. We’d been supposed to end up here? Why do we feel something is lacking?

One night somewhere in between the cattle a young and pregnant girl came together with her husband. The tree didn’t see a lot but it assumed that she’s giving birth. When it was over, her husband took the baby, wrapped it with a cloth and looked around and then he put the bundle in the manger.

– There’s no fun in sleeping in the hay – thought the tree. – Everything prickles you.

You will bring hope to the people – whispered the man looking at the little baby and then he came back to his wife. This was the moment. The tree understood how many things had to happen so that his prayer is listened.

I wanted to give shelter to the jewellery – he said. – But it’s nothing comparing to giving shelter to God himself!

A few decades later and several dozens kilometers away there was a time when a man got on a poor fishing boat and together with his disciples they sailed on a lake. Suddenly came a strong wind and terrifying storm stroke and the boat was rolling and taking the water in.

– Master, wake up! – were shouting the men at the one who was sleeping. Then he woke up and with a glance at the water he calmed down the storm and waves.

– There’s something better than sailing in the oceans – thought the tree – it’s carrying the Lord of all the oceans.

The third tree was all the time lying in the storeroom until one day someone opened the door and grabbed two boards. Then he put them on someones arms and ordered to go.

– No! Please, no! – cried the tree but it was too noisy so that someone hears it. – I don’t want to be the instrument of crime! I beg you, take me of his arms!

The man died and then the soil trembled and everything became dark. No one payed attention to the tree anymore. I stayed depressed for three days until one morning bird while singing his Sunday song brought the news that the man is alife. He’s alife! And you are the symbol of his glory!


What matters for me in this story is this  l a c k The feeling that something is missing. God wants to use all the ways to reach us. He’s like GPS, calling you to come back but if you still want to go other way, it would find a new one – leading to him.

I know a lot of people who actually don’t consifer themselves atheists but they’re not interested in spiritual life neither. I have a challenge for all of them. When you’re home alone for a moment – try to pray but (important!) – outloud. Using your words. We hear a lot about the Church nowadays but we hear little about God. But even the Church itself for some reasons doesn’t appeal you a lot it doesn’t mean that you don’t need any spiritual life. Maybe there is an empty spacke, a lack which you feel so strong especially in winter, this long and dark evenings and in Christmas.

Maybe God is closer than you suppose?


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