Story about three trees and… dreams

It’s been long time ago. Probably even the trees wouldn’t be able to assess exactly. They just remember that they grew up together on a hill and they spent their first years… dreaming.

When I grow up… I want to be a wonderful casket for the most expensive jewellery! – sait the first one.

– And me… I want to be a big ship so that I sail in oceans! – was planning the second one.

– Well… I would like to stay here. To give shelter to birds and an air to the people. I want to live for God’s glory! – decided the third one.

But… One day a carpenter came and cut all the trees with his sharp saw and he took them with him.

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Where is God?

It was one of those days when the Messenger arrived to Heaven with his bag filled with prayers of believers from Earth. The bag was full of sincere prayers, sometimes hasty, sometimes just litanies of requests without a moment of reflexion – some of them, though, very urgent. Panting Messenger stopped a bit in front of the Heaven’s gate just to catch a breath. But the gate was opened while inside there was a big discussion between God and His angels. The Messanger – willy-nilly – heard it and then he told me everything.

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